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[日期:2014-10-20]   来源:广西昆虫馆  作者:广西昆虫馆   阅读:1690次[字体: ]



The genetics of monarch butterfly migration and warning colouration

Shuai Zhan 1,2,3, Wei Zhang 2 , Kristjan Niitepo˜ld 4,5, Jeremy Hsu 4, Juan Ferna´ndez Haeger 6, Myron P. Zalucki 7, Sonia Altizer 8,Jacobus C. de Roode 9, Steven M. Reppert 3 & Marcus R. Kronforst 2
(1 Key Laboratory of Insect Developmental and Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China.   2 Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.   3 Department of Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605, USA. 4 Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA.   5 Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland. 6 Departamento de Bota´nica, Ecologı´a y Fisiologı´a Vegetal, Universidad de Co´rdoba, 14071 Co´rdoba, Spain.  7 School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia.  8  Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA.  9  Department of Biology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA.) 










Global dispersal of the monarch butterfly.

Figure 1: Global dispersal of the monarch butterfly.

a, Monarch butterfly sampling locations. b, Inferred phylogeny among Danaus species based on maximum likelihood analysis of 3,714 single-copy genes. c, Neighbour-joining phylogeny of all D. plexippusindividuals, based on genome-wide SNP data. ATL, Atlantic crossing; CEN, Central America (including south Florida); NOR, North America (including Mexico); PAC, Pacific crossing. d, Neighbour-joining consensus tree based on 1,000 bootstrap replicates. e, Principal component analysis (PCA) plots based on the first two principal components; inset shows separation between North America and south Florida. f, Genetic structure and individual ancestry; colours in each column represent ancestry proportion over range of population sizes K =  2–11. ABW, Aruba; AUS, Australia; BLZ, Belize; BMU, Bermuda; CRC, Costa Rica; ECU, Ecuador; ESP, Spain; FJI, Fiji; HI, Hawaii; MAR, Morocco; NZL, New Zealand; NCL, New Caledonia; PRI, Puerto Rico; PRT, Portugal; s.FL, south Florida; WSM, Samoa.

(来源:科技日报 王春)


      The monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, is famous for its spectacular annual migration across North America, recent worldwide dispersal, and orange warning colouration. Despite decades of study and broad public interest, we know little about the genetic basis of these hallmark traits. Here we uncover the history of the monarch’s evolutionary origin and global dispersal, characterize the genes and pathways associated with migratory behaviour, and identify the discrete genetic basis of warning colouration by sequencing 101 Danaus genomes from around the globe. The results rewrite our understanding of this classic system, showing that D. plexippus was ancestrally migratory and dispersed out of North America to occupy its broad distribution. We find the strongest signatures of selection associated with migration centre on flight muscle function, resulting in greater flight efficiency among migratory monarchs, and that variation in monarch warning colouration is controlled by a single myosin gene not previously implicated in insect pigmentation.


