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[日期:2015-04-07]   来源:广西昆虫馆  作者:广西昆虫馆   阅读:1238次[字体: ]

在对白蚁“恐慌逃遁”行为的一项新研究中,美国路易斯安那州立大学农业中心的Gregg Henderson研究小组发现:白蚁在实验中受到惊扰时不会发生惊慌失措的现象。当遇到惊扰时,它们不会惊恐四散,或前推后拥,推推搡搡,相互踩踏。白蚁虽然生活在地下洞穴,但它们不会像人们在拥挤的剧院那样,当有人喊着火了后表现的那般惊慌失措,一片混乱。




来源:中国科学报 王晨绯


Termites were the first animal to form societies. Two hundred million years of evolution provide for a multitude of innate social behaviors that can be experimentally dissected. These fine-tuned patterns of behavior are especially interesting when observing group decision making in the panic mode. In the present study, we examined behavioral patterns of termites under panic conditions to gain insight into how an escape flow self-organizes. One hundred worker and ten soldier Coptotermes formosanus were released into agar plates. After a disturbance was created most workers followed each other and ran along the wall of dishes, thus forming a unidirectional escape flow, where as soldiers showed a significantly higher frequency of moving to thecenter of the arena or on periphery of the escape flow. Agonistic behavior was usually observedas soldiers moved to center or periphery. This is the first report on the behavioral repertoire of termites when panicked, with details on the behavioral polymorphism of workers and soldiers during an escape.


