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[日期:2016-09-15]   来源:广西昆虫馆  作者:广西昆虫馆   阅读:1688次[字体: ]

 Optic flow odometry operates independently of stride integration in carried ants

Sarah E. Pfeffer, Matthias Wittlinger



此前研究证实,这些昆虫会记下它们的步数,以测量自己走了多远。一项日前在线发表于《Science》杂志的研究则表明,它们还能仅靠视觉找到回家的路。沙蚁利用的是“光流”—— 一种类似于人们乘坐汽车时透过窗口估测距离和方向的方法。




来源:中国科学报 徐徐


    Cataglyphis desert ants are impressive navigators. When the foragers roam the desert, they employ path integration. For these ants, distance estimation is one key challenge. Distance information was thought to be provided by optic flow (OF)—that is, image motion experienced during travel—but this idea was abandoned when stride integration was discovered as an odometer mechanism in ants. We show that ants transported by nest mates are capable of measuring travel distance exclusively by the use of OF cues. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the information gained from the optic flowmeter cannot be transferred to the stride integrator. Our results suggest a dual information channel that allows the ants to measure distances by strides and OF cues, although both systems operate independently and in a redundant manner.
