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[日期:2021-08-23]   来源:广西昆虫馆  作者:广西昆虫馆   阅读:501次[字体: ]

Bumble bees show an induced preference for flowers when primed with caffeinated nectar and a target floral odor

Sarah E.J.Arnold, Jan-HendrikDudenhöffer, Michelle T.Fountain, Katie L.James, David R.Hall, Dudley I.Farman, Felix L.Wäckers, Philip C.Stevenson
       “当你给蜜蜂咖啡因时,它们似乎更有动力和效率了。”英国格林威治大学自然资源研究所(NRI)研究员Sarah Arnold说,“我们想知道,提供咖啡因能否帮助它们的大脑,在特定花香和糖奖励之间产生积极的联系。”
       为了回答这个问题,Arnold团队(包括来自NRI和英国园艺研究组织NIAB EMR的研究人员)决定在巢穴中就给蜜蜂咖啡因,并让蜜蜂学会将特定气味(一种模仿草莓花香的合成气味)与美味糖溶液联系起来。之后,当它们被放出去寻找食物并选择了有草莓香味的花时,蜜蜂会得到含糖但不含咖啡因的花蜜。
       博士后研究员Jan-Hendrik Dudenhoffer将86只以前没有受过训练的蜜蜂(大黄蜂)分为三组。他给了第一组蜜蜂草莓花香和含咖啡因的糖溶液;给第二组草莓花香和糖溶液,让它们知道两者之间的积极联系,但没有咖啡因刺激;给第三组糖溶液,没有任何相关气味。
来源:中国科学报 冯维维
Caffeine is a widely occurring plant defense chemical1,2 that occurs in the nectar of some plants, e.g., Coffea or Citrus spp., where it may influence pollinator behavior to enhance pollination.3,4 Honey bees fed caffeine form longer lasting olfactory memory associations,5 which could give plants with caffeinated nectar an adaptive advantage by inducing more visits to flowers. Caffeinated free-flying bees show enhanced learning performance6 and are more likely to revisit a caffeinated target feeder or artificial flower,7, 8, 9 although it is not clear whether improved memory of the target cues or the perception of caffeine as a reward is the cause. Here, we show that inexperienced bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) locate new food sources emitting a learned floral odor more consistently if they have been fed caffeine. In laboratory arena tests, we fed bees a caffeinated food alongside a floral odor blend (priming) and then used robotic experimental flowers10 to disentangle the effects of caffeine improving memory for learned food-associated cues versus caffeine as a reward. Inexperienced bees primed with caffeine made more initial visits to target robotic flowers emitting the target odor compared to control bees or those primed with odor alone. Caffeine-primed bees tended to improve their floral handling time faster. Although the effects of caffeine were short lived, we show that food-locating behaviors in free-flying bumble bees can be enhanced by caffeine provided in the nest. Consequently, there is potential to redesign commercial colonies to enhance bees’ forage focus or even bias bees to forage on a specific crop.
