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[日期:2021-12-01]   来源:广西昆虫馆  作者:广西昆虫馆   阅读:1449次[字体: ]

Hoverflies use a time-compensated sun compass to orientate during autumn migration

Richard Massy, Will L. S. Hawkes, Toby Doyle, Jolyon Troscianko, Myles H. M. Menz, Nicholas W. Roberts, Jason W. Chapman and Karl R. Wotton
       “只要朝太阳飞,它们就会向南飞,但这也会造成一条弯弯曲绕、效率低下的路线。”研究主要作者、埃克塞特大学彭林校区生态与保护中心的Richard Massy说,“我们的研究表明,食蚜蝇利用自身的昼夜节律来解释太阳的运动。其他动物,包括某些鸟类和蝴蝶,都有这种能力。不过我们的研究表明,这是在多种昆虫之间独立进化的。”
来源:中国科学报 冯维维
The sun is the most reliable celestial cue for orientation available to daytime migrants. It is widely assumed that diurnal migratory insects use a ‘time-compensated sun compass’ to adjust for the changing position of the sun throughout the day, as demonstrated in some butterfly species. The mechanisms used by other groups of diurnal insect migrants remain to be elucidated. Migratory species of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) are one of the most abundant and beneficial groups of diurnal migrants, providing multiple ecosystem services and undergoing directed seasonal movements throughout much of the temperate zone. To identify the hoverfly navigational strategy, a flight simulator was used to measure orientation responses of the hoverflies Scaeva pyrastri and Scaeva selenitica to celestial cues during their autumn migration. Hoverflies oriented southwards when they could see the sun and shifted this orientation westward following a 6 h advance of their circadian clocks. Our results demonstrate the use of a time-compensated sun compass as the primary navigational mechanism, consistent with field observations that hoverfly migration occurs predominately under clear and sunny conditions.