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[日期:2021-09-28]   来源:广西昆虫馆  作者:广西昆虫馆   阅读:900次[字体: ]

Species diversity and food web structure jointly shape natural biological control in agricultural landscapes

Fan Yang, Bing Liu, Yulin Zhu, Kris A. G. Wyckhuys, Wopke van der Werf & Yanhui Lu
生物控害功能与寄生蜂多样性、食物网结构之间的关系 中国农科院植保所供图
重寄生作用与重寄生蜂多样性、食物网结构及景观因子之间的关系 中国农科院植保所供图
       8月18日,《通讯生物学》(Communications Biology)在线发表了中国农业科学院植物保护研究所经济作物虫害监测与控制创新团队最新成果。该团队研究发现,农田景观尺度下寄生蜂物种多样性、蚜虫—寄生蜂食物网结构共同调控寄生蜂对棉花蚜虫的生物控制服务功能。
来源:中国科学报 李晨
Land-use change and agricultural intensification concurrently impact natural enemy (e.g., parasitoid) communities and their associated ecosystem services (ESs), i.e., biological pest control. However, the extent to which (on-farm) parasitoid diversity and food webs mediate landscape-level influences on biological control remains poorly understood. Here, drawing upon a 3-year study of quantitative parasitoid-hyperparasitoid trophic networks from 25 different agro-landscapes, we assess the cascading effects of landscape composition, species diversity and trophic network structure on ecosystem functionality (i.e., parasitism, hyperparasitism). Path analysis further reveals cascaded effects leading to biological control of a resident crop pest, i.e., Aphis gossypii. Functionality is dictated by (hyper)parasitoid diversity, with its effects modulated by food web generality and vulnerability. Non-crop habitat cover directly benefits biological control, whereas secondary crop cover indirectly lowers hyperparasitism. Our work underscores a need to simultaneously account for on-farm biodiversity and trophic interactions when investigating ESs within dynamic agro-landscapes.